Featured Artists

overhead view of coiled planners featuring Black History , Pride, Latino/a/e/x, and AANHPI month designs.

Meet the talented artists behind the inspired designs in our ongoing Heritage and Awareness Months series! Featuring beautiful, functional organizational essentials that has given back over $240,000 (and counting!) in support of social justice, education, equitable healthcare, and more. Shop the incredible collections below.

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overhead view of coiled planners featuring new Pride Month 2023 designs

Hispanic & Latino/a/e/x Heritage
Month 2023

In honor of Hispanic and Latino/a/e/x Heritage Month, we’re introducing a new collection, featuring artist Indira Prieto, that gives back to the National Hispanic Institute through October 15, 2023. The collection continues to support the featured artist for a full year.

Indira Prieto
Indira “Indy” Prieto

Indira “Indy” Prieto is a Miami-based Cuban American lettering artist, illustrator, and graphic designer known for her love for Spanglish lettering and colorful illustrations.

process shot of new designs in development

Indira creates rich, textured, and colorful artwork, featuring Spanglish and Latinas, inspired by her people, nature, and culture.

Welcome to our Featured Artists collections – a celebration of art, diversity, and giving back! Discover a unique shopping experience, where we proudly showcase our collaboration with a diverse array of talented artists. These collaborations result in stunning giveback collections that not only spread beauty but also giveback to charitable causes while supporting our featured artists for an entire year.

Each purchase from these stunning collections not only adds a touch of joy and creativity to your everyday but also spotlights and amplifies the voices of artists from various backgrounds and communities. We believe in the power of art to inspire, unite, and uplift, which is why we've teamed up with these exceptional artists to bring you collections that embody their unique visions.

Explore a carefully curated collection of organizational essentials, from personalized planners to fun and functional accessories and more. Every item is made with love and specially designed with original art reflecting the passion and dedication of both our featured artists and our EC team. By choosing products from our Featured Artists collections, you're not just embracing art – you're also playing a vital role in giving back.

Whether you're seeking to express your personal style or searching for heartfelt gifts, Erin Condren giveback collections offer an array of options to suit every style. Show your support for these remarkable artists and join us in making a difference through every purchase you make.

Explore more giveback collections at EC Gives Back. Thank you for joining us in this incredible journey of art, generosity, and positive change.