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Notebooks Specialty

Home + Sort Organizational Planner

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Guided Layouts

Designed to reach your goals & improve your life.

Thick 80lb. Paper

Quality you can feel. Resists ink bleed.

Made in the USA

Crafted right here at home!

• 7" x 9"
• 124 pages
• 12 tabs
• Sturdy laminate cover
• Interior pages 80 lb. text weight
• 1 coiled-in sticker sheet
• 1 double-sided pocket folder
• Platinum coil
• Made in USA

Layout Features
• Home + Sort organization tips throughout the planner
• 12 categories of organization
• 12 monthly calendar spreads
• 12 monthly goal setting and checklists
• 5 weekly sort sections per month

What’s Included:
• 12 months of home (and life) organization categorized into customizable sections for:
1. Decluttering
2. Helpful Organizational Products
3. Stay Organized with Labels
4. Deep Cleaning
5. Digital Decluttering
6. Meal Prep + Planning
7. Entertaining at Home
8. Seasonal Change Organization
9. Smart, Organized Shopping
10. Aesthetically Pleasing Organization
11. Time Management
12. Reflections
Fall in love with your home again with this customizable home organization planner, featuring expert tips from Home + Sort – a professional organizing team delivering modern and fresh solutions to every inch of your home. Designed to guide you along your organized living adventure, this Home + Sort Organizational Planner will lead you step by step to a more peaceful and organized home. Begin your guided journey today and rediscover the joy of a home that reflects the best version of you.

Your Personalized Path to a Harmonious Home:
This essential home organization planner brings a stylish touch of form and function to everyday home organization. With its joyful design, expert home organization hacks, and user-friendly layout, it's not just a planner; it's a lifestyle upgrade.

Transformative Organization, Tailored for You:
This home organization planner isn't just about keeping track of tasks; it's about guiding you on a transformative journey towards a serene and orderly home. Like your personal home organization coach, it leads you through a customizable and fulfilling path to organization.

Step-by-Step Guidance:
Every section of the planner is thoughtfully designed to guide you through the process of organizing your home. From decluttering to maintaining a tidy space, the planner breaks down a year’s worth of home organization into manageable tasks.

Adaptable to Your Lifestyle:
Understanding that every home and lifestyle is unique, this home organization planner offers flexibility and adaptability. Undated, tabbed, and organized into different categories for different areas of home (and life) organization, customize it to match your personal schedule and priorities, making your organization journey truly your own.

Expert Advice at Your Fingertips:
Benefit from the wisdom and wealth of experience of the Home + Sort experts, integrated throughout the planner. Their tips and tricks are your secret weapon in mastering the art of home organization.

Ready to embark on a journey of rediscovery and turn your living space into a stylish haven of peace and order? Start your guided home organization adventure with this customizable Home + Sort Organizational Planner. Enhance your journey to rediscovering the joy of a beautifully organized home with extended Home Organization Tips with Organizing Experts Home + Sort in our Inspiration Center!
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